May 7, 2024


A student smiles holding their degree at Commencement. A student smiles holding their degree at Commencement. A student smiles holding their degree at Commencement. A student smiles holding their degree at Commencement.




See the full Spring Commencement photo gallery.

在5月4日举行的春季毕业典礼上,澳门在线赌城娱乐向297名学士学位候选人和99名研究生学位候选人颁发了荣誉, on Flowerhill Lawn. Students, faculty, staff, family, 在阳光明媚的周六上午,UM社区的朋友和成员聚集在一起,庆祝2024届毕业生的到来——他们中的大多数人在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间于2020年秋季开始了他们的大学之旅.

“Starting [college] during a pandemic is rather brave,25届学生会主席科尔顿·罗达诺在演讲中说道. “这些即将毕业的大四学生勇敢面对这些不利条件,取得了成功. They have both struggled and shown great resilience. I look forward to seeing what all of you accomplish.”

即将离任的毕业班主席阿比盖尔·休顿在她的演讲中解释说,大学永远是毕业生的家, saying, “You belong at Montevallo, 无论你是在这里度过余生,还是10到50年后再回来. It’ll feel like you never left.”

This year’s keynote speaker was alum Dr. 刘易斯·布鲁克斯,谢尔比县学区的负责人. 布鲁克斯在澳门大学获得三个学位,1988年获得理学学士学位, 1999年获得教育学硕士学位,2003年获得教育专家学位. 他拥有桑福德大学教学领导学博士学位.

“In my tenure as president, 在我的记忆中,还没有哪一次我有幸向大家介绍澳门在线赌城娱乐的三届毕业生,” said UM President John W. Stewart III in his introduction of Brooks. “今天,我们庆祝你们的成就和坚持不懈. Brooks knows and exemplifies both of those characteristics.”

Brooks, whose career in public education spans 33 years, 自2018年以来一直担任校长,并领导谢尔比县学校度过了几次挑战, 包括全球性流行病和龙卷风的后果. 他把他的至理名言以首字母缩略词的形式传达给毕业班, FREE, which stands for faith, relationships, education and economics.

“Faith is the knowledge that deep down inside, 事情会变得更好,挑战中会有更光明的日子,” Brooks said, providing a breakdown for each point. “人际关系能让你对别人产生持久的印象,也能让别人对你产生持久的印象. 教育打开你的眼睛和耳朵,让你看到大量的机会. And ultimately, 理解经济学和金钱的秘诀是在很长一段时间内,量入为出.”

In closing, he said, “Class of 2024, 我相信你已经得到了最好的免费建议. This is your moment, enjoy and celebrate this accomplishment. Now is the time for you to go out into the world and be great. 祝贺你,并祝你前程似锦.”

布鲁克斯发表演讲后,斯图尔特向他颁发了总统奖. 典礼继续进行,史都华教授在史都华博士的协助下. Jim Day and Registrar Amanda Fox ’04, M.Ed. ’10, conferred the degrees. Afterward, Eddie Baker III ’04, president of the UM National Alumni Association, inducted the new graduates into the UMNAA.

“我很高兴欢迎你们,2024届的毕业生,加入我们的校友大家庭,”贝克说. “Today, you join us in our dedication to serve this institution, its faculty, its staff and its students. 我们欢迎您经常光临,忠实服务,尽您所能. You always belong at the University of Montevallo.”

斯图尔特还认可了那些从猎鹰飞行项目获得文凭的人, 让谢尔比县有学习障碍的学生在密歇根大学上课,学习基本的生活和工作技能,让他们在高中毕业后继续他们的成年之旅.

Press ReleasesSeptember 12, 2024


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